Sound Bites Nutrition

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Food & Fertility (for men)!

So, you want to be a daddy? It takes two to tango! While women may bare the brunt of the pregnancy responsibilities, low sperm count or poor sperm health can impact the chance of conception. If your plumbing is out of whack, no baby for you! Below are some tips on what to eat and what to avoid, improving your chances of celebrating Father's Day every year.Bite this:1. Nuts. You may read that oysters are known as aphrodisiacs. But, let's face it. How many men love oysters and how often are you really going to eat them beyond that beach vacation? The key is eating foods high in zinc. In addition to being a great source of zinc, nuts are full of heart healthy mono-unsaturated fat. Choose almonds, pistachios, walnuts, etc.2. Fruit. Want to bear fruit? Eat fruit! The antioxidants found in fruit help protect sperm from cellular damage and keep them fast and strong to swim through the fallopian tubes to fertilize the egg. Go for melon, berries and citrus fruit.3. Veggies. Along with fruit, vegetables are loaded with anti-oxidants as well as folic acid- a B vitamin needed to keep sperm safe from chromosomal abnormalities. Go for green, leafy vegetables (spinach, kale, Brussels sprouts, etc) as well as sweet potatoes.4. Pomegranate juice. Scientists have discovered that mice given pomegranate juice have improved sperm count and quality. Add it to a smoothie or enjoy over ice.5. Pumpkin seeds. In addition to zinc, which aids in testosterone production and sperm count, pumpkin seeds contain omega-3-fatty acids, which improves blood flow to sexual organs and improves sexual function. Fatty fish such as salmon and mackerel and walnuts are also good sources of omega-3 fat.Not that:1. Caffeine. I'd never say given up your morning Joe, but sipping on coffee Coke, Red Bull or fill in the blank all day can drop your sperm count. Keep moderation in mind- about 2 cups/day.2. Booze. While a little alcohol may lower your inhibitions and increase your libido, too much alcohol reduces sperm count. Celebrate once your mate gets pregnant instead!3. Junk food. High fat snacks and treats aren't good for your waistline, but they may also impact fertility. Go easy on chips, fried food, ice cream and pastries.4. Fish high in mercury. While salmon may be beneficial for omega-3 fatty acids, large/predator fish such as sword fish, tuna steak and shark are high in mercury, which has been linked to infertility in both men and women. Shrimp and crab? No problem.5. Chemical exposure. Exposure to xenoestrogens (PCBs, DDT, dioxin, pesticides, plastic and pollutants) mimic the effects of estrogen and reduce fertility. Avoid plastic containers for food storage as well as plastic bottles, wrappers and utensils. Avoid chlorinated tap water and bleach when possible. Choose organic meat and milk when possible to reduce exposure to excess hormones.