
Do you have a little furry friend at home? Snickers can often be found hanging around the kitchen while I’m cooking, eager to taste test new recipes, or just circling my feet. She has a real penchant for kale and other greens and is known for ruining Mother’s Day flowers and other plants. Snickers is a picky eater. If the bowl of food is gone, we know it’s #SnickerApproved!

Snickers is part of the #catRDay movement (RDs with cats)! It’s a play on words for #caturday that I made up. Every Saturday, RDs from around the US tag each other and post a picture of their feline friends on Twitter. It’s a way to network and bring a little cat joy to a dog eat dog world. There are at least 20 of us on the thread, but if Twitter allowed more characters, I would tag more RDs. Check out #catRDay on Twitter and you’ll see loads of posts and pics.