In Defense of Wheat

While I know Celiac disease and gluten intolerance are real conditions, the reality is- they only affect about 1% of the US population. Avoiding wheat (and other gluten-containing grains) is imperative in individuals that suffer Celiac disease.Lately, however, I’ve had several clients ask if “cutting out wheat will help them get rid of their belly”. It’s easy to get caught up in the hype when best-selling books like “Wheat Belly” (by William Davis) are on the market. But is there any evidence behind it?As a population, we have increased our consumption of wheat since the 1980’s, and weight gain has increased. But, it’s not just wheat we’re eating more of- it’s calories in general. Foods containing wheat may also contain sugar, fat and salt. Take a look at any recipe for cake, cookies, doughnuts and other treats. All contain wheat, but also sugar and fat. Consider macaroni and cheese. It's not just the macaroni that contains calories. Bread, bagels, pasta, pizza and crackers also contain wheat. So while cutting these out may help you lose weight- it’s only because you’ve reduced calories, not necessarily wheat. It’s just as easy to find “wheat free” brownies as it is to find the regular stuff. Do you really think the substitute will change the size of your waistline?Ironically, changing from white bread to 100% whole wheat or corn flakes to shredded wheat will likely help you lose weight. These foods are much higher in fiber, which helps regulate blood sugar and reduce appetite in between meals. What's important is how MUCH you eat. Serving size counts!The bottom line on weight loss (and more importantly- weight loss maintenance) is that you need to adopt a healthy lifestyle including calorie control and regular physical activity for life. These are the only proven methods of long term weight loss success. Fad diets will come and go, and cutting out wheat (or other carbs) is just another trend we’ll forget in a few years.


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