Eat green for St. Patrick's Day!

It’s St Patrick’s Day! Don’t just drink green beer, eat more greens! Most Americans (of all ages) don’t meet their recommended number of servings of vegetables per day. At minimum, we should eat 2 cups of vegetables daily, but health experts suggest more is even better in preventing cancer, heart disease and other chronic illnesses. One serving = 1 cup raw or ½ cup cooked vegetables. Below are some tips to boost your veggie intake.For breakfast:• Toss chopped peppers, onions, spinach or broccoli into an omelet (all can be purchased frozen)• Add lettuce, tomato or salsa to a breakfast burrito (eggs, whole wheat tortilla, and shredded cheese)• Enjoy a grilled tomato, spinach and cheese sandwich on whole wheat bread• Add spinach, kale, mustard greens or Swiss chard to smoothies or eggsFor Snacks:• Munch on celery sticks and peanut butter or hummus• Pair hummus with snap peas, cucumber slices or pepper strips• Snack on baked tortilla chips and salsa• Wrap a slice of lean turkey or ham in a large lettuce or Swiss chard leafAt Lunch:• Add grilled chicken or salmon to a large tossed salad• Add leftover green beans, kale, beets, broccoli or other cooked vegetables to your salad• Steam mixed vegetables, peas or Brussels sprouts in a microwave for 2 minutes in 1 Tbsp. water. Season with garlic, salt and pepper.• Pack radishes, cucumbers or snap peas to snack on mid-afternoon.• Add spinach, peppers, onions, mushrooms and extra tomatoes to pizzaFor Dinner:• Microwave or steam frozen carrots, broccoli or green beans for 2-3 minutes and toss in a small amount of olive oil, salt and freshly ground pepper• Toss steamed, fresh green beans or asparagus in lemon juice, garlic and ginger• Sautee’ cole slaw mix (cabbage and carrots) and onions in canola oil or low sodium chicken broth and serve as a side dish.• Grill or steam fresh asparagus, then drizzle it with olive oil, salt and freshly ground pepper.• Stir fry broccoli in lemon juice and ½ tsp. minced garlic.• Add cooked peas to macaroni and cheese, tuna casserole or other dish• Place chicken breast in a crockpot and pour 2 cans low sodium chicken broth over it + 2 cans water. Chop carrots, celery, and onions and add it to the chicken. Cook all day over low heat, then chop the chicken up into small pieces and serve over brown rice.


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