M is for Maintenance

As a mom of two and nutrition consultant, I'm in my car A LOT. Between dropping off and picking my girls up, driving from the gym office to a grocery store to a corporate venue, my car sees a lot of mileage. The bright yellow maintenance light has been on for a while now, signaling me that I really need to get an oil change. It's when I get too busy running around that little things like changing my oil take the back seat (pun intended) to the rest of my life.It's also typically when the rest of me needs maintenance. When I'm really busy, I'm low on sleep, low on energy and low on patience. I snap more at my kids, rush through my meals and things begin to slip.As part of National Nutrition Month (as well as Mindfullness Awareness), I vow to S L O W down. It's time to not only get my oil changed, but change my oil. When I'm stressed, I tend to eat more cheese and chocolate, which have higher amounts of unhealthy fat. I know I should switch to olives and nuts, which while high in fat, are better for my heart.I'll quit agreeing to work in every patient or project when I'd honestly rather be home after dinner most nights of the week. I'd also like to take advantage of the "pre-spring" weather while it lasts and get outside more often. Walking is a great way to maintain your weight (and sanity)!This March (and hell, next month, too)- be mindful of the maintenance you so desperately need. Friends and family relationships need maintenance. Our homes need maintenance. Our bodies need maintenance. That bright orange light is a great reminder to keep ourselves in check.


Eat green for St. Patrick's Day!


Happy National Nutrition Month!