Top 10 Cheap Healthy Foods!

If you think it's "OK" to grab burgers, tacos or pizza for dinner now and then, think again. Studies show that people that eat out 3 or more times per week eat more fat, sodium and calories than those that avoid fast food and less vitamins, minerals and fiber. And that giant diet soda isn't doing you any favors either. Research indicates even two 12 oz diet sodas per day may lead to weigh gain around the abdomen. Is that dollar menu really worth your health?Instead of eating out, stock your pantry with the healthy foods below and eat in. You'll save your waistline and your wallet in the long run. Below are my top 10 healthy eats on the cheap:1. Black beans and brown rice. Black, red, kidney or other beans are loaded with fiber- especially the soluble type that lowers cholesterol and helps control blood sugar. Brown rice can be made in large batches and frozen to be used for multiple dishes later.2. Jarred salsa. Don't think of it as just a condiment for your chip. Salsa can be tossed in simple recipes (like the beans and rice above), used over eggs or in salad in place of dressing. Most add only 10 calories per 2 Tbsp. but are a decent source of potassium, vitamin C and lycopene (an antioxidant that helps reduce the risk for prostate cancer). Read the label for sodium content and look for those with 150 mg or less.3. Eggs. They don't call 'em the "incredible, edible egg" for nothin'. Eggs are cheaper by the dozen and provide a perfect, complete protein in just 75 calories. Studies show that dieters that eat eggs for breakfast eat about 300 calories less over 36 hours than those that don't. And don't toss the yolk! It's a good source of iron, vitamin A and protein. Just skip the bacon and sausage that normally goes with it. Neither is a good protein source- just fat, salt, nitrates and calories.4. Bagged spinach. Baby spinach tends to keep longer than other bagged salad and is a better source of potassium and beta carotene than heart of Romaine or iceberg. Try a spinach salad with strawberries or sliced apples to boost the nutritional content even more.5. Whole wheat tortillas. Whole wheat tortillas are not only great for tacos, but can be used for breakfast burritos wrap sandwiches or flat bread pizza. Look for those containing 100% whole wheat flour and at least 2-3 grams of fiber per wrap.6. Light string cheese. People shun cheese because of the fat content, but light cheese made with skim or 1% milk boasts 20% of the daily value for calcium in a mere 60 calories. Look for generic versions that taste exactly the same as the big name competitors. Great for a snack or quick breakfast with whole grain crackers and fruit.7. Oatmeal. That giant cylinder of plain oats is one of the simplest, most nutritious foods on the planet. It's a great source of complex carbohydrate and soluble fiber and can be doctored up with cinnamon, vanilla or dried fruit.8. Clementines. I can typically find a great bag of cuties for cheap at Aldi or other big chain store. The beauty of these is they're simple to peel and eat if you're in a hurry.9. Frozen vegetables. For about $1.29 per bag, you get at least 8 servings of low calorie, nutrient dense vittles. And don't be fooled that fresh is better. Frozen is picked at the peak of ripeness and flash frozen.10. Peanut butter. While calorie dense, a little dab will do you. Peanut butter boasts loads of mono-unsaturated fat and a decent dose of protein. Smear some over whole wheat toast for breakfast or on your banana or apple for a filling snack. Keep in mind that "natural" peanut butters may contain palm oil, which is saturated fat. It may be worth spending a bit more on the type where oil rises to the top and the only ingredients are nuts and salt. Store it upside down to make mixing easier.


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