Fight Childhood Obesity Now!

September is National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month. And with 1 in 3 children being overweight or obese, it's time to get serious about prevention. Obese children are at higher risk of developing high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease in their teenage years (yes, you read that right). But it doesn't have to be this way. Below are some tips to prevent childhook obesity (and maybe get a little bit healthier yourself).1. Be a role model. If you want your kids to eat veggies, you must eat them, too.2. Keep fruit and vegetables on hand and in site. Studies show that keeping a fruit or vegetable bowl available will encourage intake of these foods. Keep a fruit bowl on the counter and cut up celery, cucumbers, peppers and other veggies in the frig.3. Encourage water and milk over soda and juice. While juice is obviously healthier than soda, it does add calories and sugar to your childs' daily total. Choose low fat (1% or 2%) over whole milk after the age of 5.4. Be active. Take your kids for a walk, bike ride or swimming. Encourage them to join a team and make physical activity a regular use of time.5. Turn off the TV (and other screens). Limit TV, DSIs, Wiis and other electronic devices to less than an hour a day.6. Pack your kids' lunch. School lunch can be highly processed. Add fruit, vegetables or yogurt to your kids' lunch instead of chips, cookies or other treats.7. Don't reward good behavior with food. This can set your kid up for overeating and using food for comfort later in life.8. Encourage your kids to try new foods and not just "kid-friendly" cuisine. Kids will eat what they are served. If their taste buds 'learn' mac and cheese, hot dogs and chicken nuggets, it's what they'll want all the time.9. Don't encourage the clean your plate mentality. If your child is full, don't push them to finish their plate. It only teaches them to be full after each meal.10. Serve dessert along with dinner to take the power away from it. If it's seen as 'forbidden', it will only have more alure.


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