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Pancreatic Cancer Awareness

I recently found out that a dear friend was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. While I know she's a strong woman and giving up is not in her nature, it made me think of how this deadly disease could be prevented.November is National Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month. And although it's not one of the most common types of cancer, it is one of the most fatal. Below are tips to stave off this potentially deadly disease:Bite this: Raw veggies.Smoking cigarettes doubles your risk for developing pancreatic cancer. Rather than sticking another cigarette in your mouth, chew on raw broccoli, carrots, tomatoes or peppers. All are full of nutrient-dense, cancer-fighting phytochemicals.Not that: Cigarettes.It's never too late to kick the habit. Smokers pay higher insurance premiums for a reason- they're more likely to develop chronic illnesses than non-smokers. Seek help to stop smoking if you need it.Drink this: Green tea.Green tea contains an anti-oxidant called ECGG (epigallocatechingallate to be exact), which has potent anti-tumor properties. It's been found to reduce tumor growth in brain cancer as well.Not that: Coffee.While coffee is also high in anti-oxidants, studies indicate coffee drinkers are more likely to develop pancreatic cancer than non-drinkers.Drink this: Selzer water.Selzer water is carbonated and can have be mildly flavored, but unlike diet soda, it's caffeine free and has no added colors or artificial sweeteners.Not that: Alcohol.People that drink alcohol have a higher risk for pancreatic cancer than those that abstain. Booze also ups the risk for breast, esophageal and stomach cancer.Bite this: Fresh fruit.Fresh fruit after a meal is not only refreshing, it's also lower in calories- which may help with "waist" control.Not that: High calorie desserts.While sugar is not a risk factor for pancreatic cancer, obesity is. Maintaining a healthy weight also reduces your risk for diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis and heart disease.Do this: Exercise!Physical activity is not just good for preventing weight gain, it's also been found to reduce cancer risk. In addition, regular exercise improves insulin sensitivity and boosts your immune system.Not that: Sitting.Being sedentary is simply bad news. Our bodies are made to move. Take a walk, do some jumping jacks, go for a bike ride. Just get off the couch and get your blood flowing!