It starts in the grocery

I know lots of people that literally loathe grocery shopping. Is it the long lines, fishing for coupons or getting behind that one person that insists on writing a check that they hate? I'm not sure, but I don't get it.I love grocery shopping. It means I'm buying food and well, I like to cook and more importantly, EAT. But, if you're trying to follow a specific diet plan (say diabetic or gluten-free), all those new products on the shelves can be pretty overwhelming. And by the way- shopping the perimeter is NOT always the healthiest. Keep in mind the deli and bakery are on the perimeter and good stuff like nuts and whole grains are in the middle.This is where I can help. If you want to eat cleaner, understand food labels or just figure out what to make for dinner next week, take me to the store with you. It doesn't matter if you shop at Whole Foods, Kroger, Meijer or Aldi. I was thrilled to see the Californian grocery chain Ralph's team up with dietitians to hit the stores. you're interested in a grocery tour, by all means, contact me! I love to shop vicariously. A grocery store is a dietitian's playground.


Trim the treats for healthier holidays


Broccoli with pesto