Give your immune system a boost!

I had the opportunity this morning to talk about nutrition during breast cancer treatment of Fox 19 today, but honestly, these tips can (and should) be used to keep your body healthy all the time. Thank you to Trader Joes in Kenwood for sponsoring my food for this segment. You are the best! a strong immune system is essential to preventing cancer and surviving treatment. Much of your immunity and lymph tissue resides in your gut tissue, so keeping a healthy gut is vital. Follow the tips below for best health!1. Start your day with whole grains. Foods high in fiber help create heathy bacteria in your gut and maintain bowel regularity. Choose bran cereal, whole wheat toast or steel cut oatmeal. Enjoy whole wheat pasta, brown rice, farro, quinoa, barley and bulgur at other meals.2. Include lean protein. Protein malnutrition can weaken your immune system. Enjoy eggs at breakfast, natural peanut butter on your toast or cottage cheese. Include lean protein throughout the day such as fish, hard boiled eggs, chicken, lean beef, nuts, seeds or soy products like tofu, edamame and soy nuts.3. Add vitamin C rich vegetables to your plate. Vitamin C protects cells from damage and studies suggest obtaining vitamin C from food, not pills. Good sources include asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, greens, peppers, berries, citrus fruit and tomatoes. Include fruits and vegetables with lots of color.4. Get a little nutty. Nuts may be high in fat, but are a great source of zinc and magnesium, nutrients that can become depleted during cancer treatment. Add them to oatmeal, yogurt, salads, trail mix or eat them solo.5. Include beans and peas. These are good sources of protein, fiber, iron and folate, which keep your immune system strong. Add them to soups, salads, casseroles or dips.6. Choose high iron foods. Anemia can be common during cancer treatment. Include lean meat, fish, eggs or poultry in your diet or iron-fortified foods such as cereal and grains such as quinoa and farro. Including a food high in vitamin C (like peppers and tomatoes) improves iron absorption in beans and grains.7. Drink up. Dehydration may worsen nausea, fatigue and other side effects of cancer treatment. It can also drop your blood pressure too low. Drink at least 2 liters of PLAIN water daily (equivalent to 8 cups).8. Include fermented foods such as yogurt, kefir, kombucha tea, sauerkraut, miso and kimchi. These provide probiotics to feed your good gut bacteria, which fights illness and infection.9. Choose organic meat and dairy. Organic milk, meat and eggs won’t contain antibiotics or additional hormones, which can hinder immunity. Organic produce will be lower in pesticides than traditional fruits and vegetables, but it's more important to eat a more plant-based diet than to be concerned with organic.10. Eat what sounds good to you. Nausea and anorexia (lack of appetite) can hinder intake and impact nutritional status during treatment. Choose nutrient-dense foods whenever possible, but if cake sounds good- eat it.




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