Don't be a food elitist

I've noticed a trend over the past few years and I'm sure I'm not alone here. I call it "food elitism". It's a term I use to describe individuals or groups that either overly restrict their diet (gluten-free, no dairy, no processed foods" or choose to purchase (then talk about) organic, non-GMO, FILL IN THE BLANK because it makes them seem better or more special than you. But if I press the elitist on why he or she avoids "processed" foods or follow a certain trend, they can't give me a scientifically good reason or may even half-wittingly tell me, "I don't know, I heard it on Dr. Oz".My point here, is that not every food trend is healthy or necessary and all food is "processed" in some way before it goes to market. As for organic food, certified organic produce may have less chemical pesticides, but it still contains chemicals and has not been found to be nutritionally superior to traditionally grown food. In addition, scientists will tell you that the pesticides in regularly grown food are not at levels that have been found to be harmful for human consumption.Another 'elitism' that makes me mental is insisting on eating non-GMO. GMOs (genetically modified organisms) have literally been around for YEARS. While proponents point to the fact that European countries reject GMOs, most of the well-funded scientific research supporting the safety of GMOs HAS BEEN DONE in Europe. Sadly, countries like Kenya would rather suffer starvation and malnutrition than eat GMO crops because they too, have drunk the kool-aid.If you want to be a savvy consumer and be healthy, do this: Eat real food from all food groups. If you don't have celiac disease or gluten intolerance, you don't have to eat gluten-free. If you're concerned about hormones or antibiotics in milk, meat and eggs- eat organic. But don't forgo produce because you can't afford to eat organic. Regular broccoli is just the same nutritionally as organic. Eat less prepared foods like canned soup, frozen meals or fast food. Choose seasonal fruits and vegetables for best price and taste. I'm sure there are other things you can spend your hard-earned money on that gluten-free brownie mix or a non-GMO frozen meal.


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