Did you know?

I am thankful that I don't *need* to limit sodium, but it's probably not a bad idea. A high sodium diet has been linked with high blood pressure as well as bone loss, so it's prudent to reduce your intake. The Dietary Guidelines (soon to be updated) advise no more than 2300 mg of sodium or less per day for most Americans and just 1500 mg if you're over 50, African American or suffer hypertension, kidney disease or congestive heart failure. That is a tight restriction!Most sodium is found in processed foods (READ frozen dinners, canned soup, snack foods, fast food, soy sauce and other condiments), but obviously, it's found in table salt.Did you know that seasoned salt or flavored salt (like garlic salt) has typically half the sodium content of table salt? Nutrigirl wouldn't lie to you, and neither does the label (380 mg per 1/4 tsp. versus 590 mg). While I'm not promoting salt, this may be a healthier option.


Snactivity for scouts!


Use your noodles