Sound Bites Nutrition

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Beyond the perimeter

I have to admit, I’ve never been a fan of the advice to “shop only around the perimeter of the store”. I get it- the produce, dairy and meat departments are in the perimeter, but is that the only healthy food in the store? Isn’t the bakery along that perimeter? And how about that deli in the perimeter selling bologna? These foods are fine in moderation, but I think you’re missing a good portion of healthy food if you only shop the perimeter. Not to mention, the restrictive mentality of avoiding whole portions of the grocery.Thankfully, you don’t have to listen to that advice. Get in the middle aisles and shop! The last time I checked, nuts, canned beans and frozen vegetables were part of a healthy diet. If you really want to eat cleaner this year, take this advice: keep it simple. Below are some tips to enjoy the whole store:1. Buy it fresh. Buy meat, fish and poultry that’s in its original state- not breaded, shaped, chopped or formed (READ chicken nuggets). Choose organic meat and poultry without the addition of antibiotics or hormones. And on that note, by law, pork and poultry cannot be treated with growth hormones, but may be pumped full of salt solution.2. Choose whole grains like bulgur, 100% whole wheat bread and pasta, brown rice, quinoa and oatmeal. These are much higher in fiber than their enriched counterparts. Buy them in their original form without the salty seasonings, added sugar and sauces.3. Buy seasonal fruit. Seasonal fruit will be the most abundant and cheapest in the produce dept. Look for apples, pears, and citrus in fall and winter and melon, berries and stone fruit (peaches, nectarines, plums) in spring and summer.4. Stock up on frozen vegetables. Not only are frozen veggies cheap, they are easily cooked in a microwave or can be added to soup, casseroles and chili to boost flavor, texture and nutritional content.5. Go for less (ingredients that is). Choose natural peanut butter made with just nuts and salt. Buy full fat dairy products that are free of carrageenan and corn starch. Less is best when it comes to additives and preservatives.6. Get spicy. Fresh or dried herbs and spices add flavor and color to your food without added fat or salt. Try cumin on potatoes or oregano on your eggs. Ginger is lovely on sweet potatoes and broccoli.7. Buy organic when it matters. Organic apples or strawberries make sense as these contain more pesticides. Organic milk, eggs and meat won’t be treated with antibiotics or growth hormones. But organic bananas or wheat bread? Likely not worth your money.8. Buy less packaged food. Find a soup or pasta recipe online instead of buying canned soup or boxed grain mixes. You have more control over the seasonings and can take pride in making the dish yourself.9. Keep canned beans on hand for simple meals like beans and rice, bean burritos or bean soup. Rinsing beans in a colander reduces the sodium content by 30%.10. Store produce where you can see it. Keep peppers, tomatoes, potatoes and onions on your counter where you can see them, cook them and eat them. Store lettuce in the frig, but not in the crisper where it’s likely to be forgotten- then rotten.For more personalized grocery advice, take me to the store with you!