Be kaleful!

I admit it, I wasn’t always a kale fan.  It was rough, bitter and voluminous.  If you bought a bunch, you’d feel like you’d be eating it for days.  But there’s a few secrets to kale.  This beautiful leafy green vegetable needs love.  To make your kale more palatable, massage it.  That’s right.  Knead it like bread.  This softens the texture and sweetens the taste.  I like to put kale in a gallon-sized Ziplock bag with a little olive oil prior to making into salad.  While a large bunch looks ridiculously huge, kale shrinks to nothing when cooked.  I love to add it to soup or casseroles.  It’s loaded with phytochemicals that protect your eyes such as lutein and beta-carotene in addition to being loaded with potassium to drop blood pressure.


Keep your end tight!


Corn Tortillas