A "B" for A Tavola

My girls were on spring break last week. I had to work most of it. Thankfully, my husband took the week off and I was lucky to get (most of) Friday off. We shopped a bit and dinner time rolled around. Being Friday, we had to have pizza! This has been a family tradition since I was a kid. My mom made homemade pizza every Friday night, and my husband and I have adopted the same. Typically, I make the ingredients and he puts the pie together and bakes it using a pizza peel and a hot stone.But, I digress. Friday we decided to check out A tavola since I'd heard good things about it (and well, the specialty is pizza)! We were seated by a pretty 20-something year-old and sat with our tall water glasses empty for a good 10 minutes. After seeing at least 2 other couples seated and "watered" before us, I approached the bar to ask that some one begin the serving process.We finally got our water and then a server came to take our orders. Being the non-adventurous eaters, my girls ordered cheese pizza and my husband and I decided to try the sausage and sage pie. Another 20 minutes or so passed. Our pizza arrived, but the girls' didn't for at least 6 minutes later. Trying to be polite, we let our pizza sit until the girls were served.When we finally dug into the pie, I have to admit, I was a bit underwhelmed. It was sauce-less, which was OK, but I was expecting Italian sausage. Instead, they had used some sort of salty, crumbly breakfast sausage with a scant of sage and cheese. I loved the thin crust, but it was not the best pizza I'd ever eaten. My older daughter swapped a slice of cheese to try a slice of the sage-sausage. I was actually glad there was no sauce on our pie. The sauce on the cheese pizza was completely bland. I don't even think salt was added. I was expecting basil, oregano, garlic. You know- SAUCE! Instead, I think someone just opened a can of plain tomato sauce and used it.Needless to say, we won't be in any hurry to return to A tavola. Being in OTR, I believe all the hype is in the location, not the pizza (or service).


Beets don't kale me now!


Spinach Tofu Dip