Sound Bites Nutrition

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Trim the treats!

The holidays are here people! Many of us just assume we'll gain weight before the new year begins, but this doesn't have to be. In fact, on average, most Americans gain just ONE pound over the holiday season. The problem is that they don't lose that pound and they continue to collect over the decades.This season, let's beat the odds. Aim to maintain and not gain this season by following the tips below. Substitute, don't sacrifice!1. Make a plan. You know the buffet table will be loaded with your food. Which will you choose? Consider your calorie budget like an expense account. You have to forgo a few things to keep calories balanced.2. Skip the every day foods like chips, nuts or cheese cubes that you can eat any given day of the week. Splurge on the homemade fudge and skip the boxed brownie bite.3. Limit booze. It's easy to get carried away at an open bar, but make a commitment to drink moderately and responsively this season. Moderation for men is 2 drinks (or less) per day and for women, 1 drink (or less) per day. For every drink you down, follow it up with 16 oz. of water to stay hydrated.4. Move it. Exercise is the best way to stay healthy this holiday season. Not only does it help burn calories, it also improves your self esteem, your sleep and your immune system. Take short walks after meals or try an exercise DVD if the weather gets crummy. Find some way to fit in fitness.5. Get more sleep. The phrase "tired and hungry" has a lot of truth to it. With lack of sleep comes increased cortisol (stress hormone) and cravings for simple carbs. Studies have also linked poor sleep hygiene with heart disease and diabetes. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep per night. That extra batch of cookies to bake can wait.