Take time to move

I am amazed at how many clients I have that state "I have no time to exercise".  But when we pick apart their day of going to work, picking up kids, cleaning their homes- there isn't much time to hit the gym.  Maybe it's time to rethink what exercise is. It doesn't need to be a particular class (like Zumba or kick boxing) or working out with a personal trainer twice a week.  It can simply be taking a 15 minute walk after dinner with your kids, or going for a hike on the weekend when your schedule is less hectic.We all make time to read and post on Facebook and Twitter and work in of reruns of Seinfeld- but our physical bodies take so much less priority in our lives.  Did you know that just 15 minutes of walking after meals improves insulin sensitivity and may ward off diabetes?  Or that two days a week (15 minutes) of strength training improves bone density, reduces depression and improves arthritis pain?Come on people- move that body!  Leave a few dumb bells in your TV room to lift while watching the Walking Dead.  Invest in some "therabands" to use at your desk at work.  These little changes may not seem like much, but can greatly improve your health in the long run.


Bite this, not that to prevent diabetes!


White bean & kale 'stew'