Simple smoothie

You've just wrapped up that 10-mile run with your favorite group on Saturday morning. That local coffee shop looks awfully tempting- but is caffeinated coffee with cream and sugar what your body really needs after a strenuous run? Think again!The best fuel for any workout over 60 minutes is a combo platter of protein and carbohydrate, but you don't have to force down a steak and potato. Ideally, your post-workout meal (or snack) should be consumed within an hour of your workout. Experts believe this is the best window of time to replenish lost glycogen stores (AKA carbohydrate in muscles that fuels exercise). This helps improve your next workout. A convenient (and delicious) way to replenish glycogen is with a smoothie.Smoothies can include anything from fruit and yogurt to kale, whey protein powder or tofu. Adding spinach or kale boosts the antioxidant, fiber and vitamin content as well as proving a decent dose of potassium, but be prepared for a khaki-colored drink. I'm a simple gal and prefer what's in the frig or freezer. I like Greek yogurt as my protein source as protein powders can taste a bit chalky. Feel free to get creative! Your muscles will thank you tomorrow.Simple Green Smoothie:Ingredients:½ cup Greek-style yogurt (plain or vanilla)½ cup strawberries1 small ripe banana1 cup spinach or kale2/3 cup skim or 1% milkDirections:Place all ingredients in the blender and let ˜er rip! Add more milk if a thinner smoothie desired.Makes 1 smoothie. Nutrition facts per serving: 265 calories, 42 grams carbohydrate, 19 grams protein, 2.6 grams fat, 5 grams fiber, 9 mg cholesterol, 146 mg calcium, 360 mg calcium, 65 mg vitamin C


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