Sound Bites Nutrition

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Shelf Life

How long does your food last?It’s summer! In addition to changing your sheets and cleaning your closets, it may be time for you (or overdue) to clean out your frig.  When in doubt, throw it out.  It’s best to stock your frig (or countertop) with seasonal produce for lowest prices and best taste. Use the guide below in planning what needs to be eaten when and how long it will last on the shelf.

Produce 3-4 days 5-7 days 2 weeks 3 weeks 2-3 months
AsparagusBasilBok ChoyChardChivesCilantroEscaroleKaleOkraOnions (cut)RadicchioSnow peasSpinachTomatoes (store on countertop) ArtichokesArugulaBell peppersBroccoliBroccoli rabeBrussels sproutsCabbage (savoy & Napa)CauliflowerEggplantEndiveFennelGreen beansJicamaLeeksLettuce/mixed greensMintMushrooms (store in paper bag in frig)ParsleyPotatoes (cool, dark place away from onions)RadishesScallionsWinter squash (cut)Zucchini/summer squash   Cabbage (red & green)CarrotsCeleryRosemarySweet potatoes (countertop)ThymeTurnips  BeetsGingerLemonsLimesPotatoes (away from onions)Parsnips Onions (cool/dark place away from potatoes)Winter Squashes (countertop)