Punished for water!

Like many Americans, I want to do the right thing. I want to increase my water intake and reduce intake of tea, coffee and diet soda. Did you know individuals that drink 16 oz. of water 30 minutes before meals lose more weight than non-water drinkers? Dehydration can lead to fatigue as well as overeating.But, if water is so good for us, why are we punished at so many restaurants when we ask for a cup of water? Why do I get a wimpy 8 oz. cup for water when everyone else gets 32 oz. for ordering chemical-laden soda?My solution? Keep your own sippy cup in your car for when you dine out. It's easier to use a straw while driving, too. If your favorite restaurant can’t spare a normal cup for hydration, bring your own!


Use your noodles


Why I am *mostly gluten-free