National School Breakfast Week

Not only is March National Nutrition Month, but this first week is National School Breakfast Week!  Breakfast is especially important in growing children as it's been linked with better school performance, improved focus, improved nutritional intake and reduced incidence of obesity and other chronic diseases.Many kids may miss breakfast due to financial issues or just lack of time.  Below are some quick, budget-friendly "grab and go" ideas for your school-aged child.1.  PB and J sandwich.  You can make this ahead of time or whip it up while your child gets ready for the bus.  PB provided a nice dose of protein and heart-healthy mono-unsaturated fat.  Serve it on whole wheat bread or whole wheat English muffin to boost fiber content, which keeps you feeling fuller, longer.2. Trail mix.  No time for a bowl of cereal?  Mix dry cereal and nuts or seeds in a bag and make a run for it!  Cheerios or Frosted Mini Wheats provided a decent amount of fiber to help manage blood sugar in the morning.  Add some mixed nuts, pumpkin or sunflower seeds to increase protein and fiber.3. Hard boiled egg and crackers.  Eggs can be cooked ahead of time and kept cold for a quick meal or snack.  As a complete protein, eggs have been found to reduce hunger better than carbohydrates (like bagels) in the morning.4. Yogurt and fruit.  Add some fresh or frozen berries to vanilla yogurt & top with chopped nuts or low fat granola.  Many kids think this more of a treat than breakfast.5. Apple and string cheese.  No time to mix, spread peanut butter or peel an egg?  No problem.  Keep light string cheese and fresh fruit on hand for a fast breakfast.  String cheese is a great source of protein and calcium and could not be more portable.  And of note- an apple a day has been found to reduce risk of stroke!


Will work for...?


Sweet Potato Pancakes