Home cooking reduces diabetes risk

Need another reason to eat at home in addition to saving money and eating cleaner? Recent research suggests that consuming home-cooked meals reduces the risk for type 2 diabetes.Research presented at the American Heart Association meeting found that individuals that ate 11-14 meals at home per week (which is equivalent to roughly 2 meals/day) versus 6-8 per week had less weight gain and risk for diabetes.In addition, those eating meals at home had less consumption of sugary beverages- a significant risk factor for weight gain and obesity. Previous research on dining out shows that typically meals eaten out are not as nutrient dense and tend to be higher in fat, sodium and calories and lower in nutrient quality and fiber.Individuals that eat lunch at home more often had an 8% reduction in diabetes risk, while those having dinner at home had a 14% reduction in diabetes risk.While eating out is a trend that has increased in the past 50 years, the rates for obesity and diabetes have also shot up. I believe it's time to pack your lunch and get out your cookbook!


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