Get Your Groove Back

Welcome to February! We know its cold outside. We know that gym memberships are pricey. And, we know you're likely busy with work, school, kids and everything life has to offer. But, if you're like most Americans, you probably made some form of New Year's resolution to be more active. If you're finding it more and more difficult to stick with it, here's a few easy ways to get your groove back.

  1. Park farther away. You've heard this one a million times, but any extra steps you take each day help keep you in shape. Look at it this way, the farther away you park, the less likely your car will be to be hit by some one else's door.
  2. Do some curls. No, not cheese curls. Invest in some inexpensive free weights to curl while you're watching the evening news or your favorite show. Aim for at least twice per week, every other day for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Find a friend, co-worker, neighbor, spouse, friend, whatever to partner with you in exercise. Having a buddy to keep you accountable will keep you both motivated and active.
  4. Start slowly. Commit to just 10 minutes of exercise 3 days a week when you first start and build up from there.
  5. Join a gym. If you're paying to work out, you may just get to the gym more often. Many gyms offer membership discounts this time of year.
  6. Have a ball. A balance ball that is. You can work your core while you work by replacing your desk chair with a balance ball. They also help strengthen your lower back muscles.
  7. Take a class. Many people enjoy the challenge of working out with others. Try something you've never done before like yoga, Zumba, pilates or kickboxing.
  8. Make time for exercise. Just like your kid's soccer game goes on the calendar, time to exercise should, too. If you schedule exercise ahead of time, you can't make the excuse that you ran out of time to do it!
  9. March in place. If it's too bitter cold to go outside, start by marching in place while watching TV. It beats just sitting on the couch motionless.
  10. Keep it up! Whatever exercise you choose, make it consistent. It's better to do smaller, more frequent bouts of exercise than to be a weekend warrior. You're also less likely to hurt yourself.



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