Football Party Snacks

If the holiday parties weren't enough for you, you can likely count on a football party right around the corner. Unfortunately, traditional Bowl-game fare can add super-sized calories to your daily tally.It's ok to have a few favorites on hand, but be kind to your waistline with a few healthy options that can help you keep your New Year's resolutions. Here are the top 5 best and worst football party foods.

Bite this:

  1. Baked chips & salsa. Baked chips have fewer calories and less fat than regular chips and salsa is a great source of vitamin C and lycopene- 2 cancer-fighting nutrients.
  2. Hummus & vegetables. This savory Mediterranean favorite is high in both protein and fiber. Serve with warm whole wheat pita or whole grain crackers if you like.
  3. Fresh fruit. A bowl of grapes or apple slices will be just as welcome at your next party as a plate of gooey brownies.
  4. Bottled water. Many people overeat when they're really just dehydrated. Keep water on hand.
  5. Nuts. If you are going to splurge on fat and salt, at least make it something heart healthy. Choose peanuts, mixed nuts, pistachios or other varieties. Low salt or salt-free also make great snacks.

Not that:

  1. Skyline dip: If the chili and cheese weren't high enough in fat, why not add some cream cheese to your dip?
  2. Chicken wings. Go ahead and dip that nutrition-less greasy bird wing in fat-laden bleu cheese or ranch dressing. Like an angioplasty with that?
  3. Potato chips. Salt, fat, fried carbs - 'Nuff said.
  4. Beer. There's no better way to lose that 6-pack than to drink a 6-pack. See last month's Quick Bite to learn what is meant by moderation.
  5. Soda. Probably the best way to gain weight this new year without even eating! If you must indulge, have a diet soda now and then, but stay hydrated with water most days.

New Year's Resolutions


Southwestern Spiced Walnuts