Football Party Snacks
If the holiday parties weren't enough for you, you can likely count on a football party right around the corner. Unfortunately, traditional Bowl-game fare can add super-sized calories to your daily tally.It's ok to have a few favorites on hand, but be kind to your waistline with a few healthy options that can help you keep your New Year's resolutions. Here are the top 5 best and worst football party foods.
Bite this:
- Baked chips & salsa. Baked chips have fewer calories and less fat than regular chips and salsa is a great source of vitamin C and lycopene- 2 cancer-fighting nutrients.
- Hummus & vegetables. This savory Mediterranean favorite is high in both protein and fiber. Serve with warm whole wheat pita or whole grain crackers if you like.
- Fresh fruit. A bowl of grapes or apple slices will be just as welcome at your next party as a plate of gooey brownies.
- Bottled water. Many people overeat when they're really just dehydrated. Keep water on hand.
- Nuts. If you are going to splurge on fat and salt, at least make it something heart healthy. Choose peanuts, mixed nuts, pistachios or other varieties. Low salt or salt-free also make great snacks.
Not that:
- Skyline dip: If the chili and cheese weren't high enough in fat, why not add some cream cheese to your dip?
- Chicken wings. Go ahead and dip that nutrition-less greasy bird wing in fat-laden bleu cheese or ranch dressing. Like an angioplasty with that?
- Potato chips. Salt, fat, fried carbs - 'Nuff said.
- Beer. There's no better way to lose that 6-pack than to drink a 6-pack. See last month's Quick Bite to learn what is meant by moderation.
- Soda. Probably the best way to gain weight this new year without even eating! If you must indulge, have a diet soda now and then, but stay hydrated with water most days.