Food stamps & junk food

Far be it for me to criticize the government. I'm not a political person by nature, but I've always felt that the food stamp program could use a little tweaking. I am all for helping prevent hunger in this country. I don't think anyone (especially children) should go to bed hungry. I am all for food drives, soup kitchens and providing food stamps for those in need. I also believe people should be allowed to choose what they some degree.But at the same time, I'll admit that I cringe in the grocery when I'm behind a person using food stamps to buy Oreos, soda and potato chips. I know this sounds judgmental, but who is paying for their complications from obesity and diabetes later? We are.Why not have "food group stamps" and provide nutrition education and cooking classes along with them? We've lost touch with what real food is and have become so reliant on convenience food, but at what price? The rates of obesity in the US are staggering and the rate of diabetes is not coming down. Why not have an allowance of stamps for FOOD GROUPS (protein, dairy or dairy substitutes like soy milk, vegetables, fruit, grains, fat) and put a cap on how much junk a person can buy? This is why I applaud the decision below in Maine! if more legislature was done on this issue, our country would be healthier as a whole?


Thai Peanut Noodles with Turkey


Waist Management throughout the holidays