Sound Bites Nutrition

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Focus on Kids' Health

The month of October is focused on many children's health issues including Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Awareness, Child Health Day and Walk  to school day.  Good health starts at birth.  We've all heard the saying, "you can't teach an old dog new tricks", so get your kids into healthy habits at a young age. Below are some quick tips to keep your kids healthy all year long!1.  Be a role model.  Kids learn by example.  If you're drinking soda, they'll want it, too.   Make a rule to drink just water or milk (most days) and keep sugary juice boxes, soda and other beverages out of the house.2.  Stock your pantry with healthy snacks.  Keep a bowl of fruit on your counter in place of a cookie jar.  Make a habit of snacking on fruit between meals instead of granola bars, pretzels or chips.  Nuts, whole grain crackers, raw vegetables and light dairy products (yogurt or cheese sticks) also make great snacks for kids and adults.3.  Bring your kids to the market or store with you.  Let them see where their food comes from and ask for their help to pick it out.   Let them help in your family garden.  You'd be surprised what children will eat if they are exposed to it.4.  Take family walks or join community charity events.  The time your family spends on the couch with their electronic toys or in front of the TV could be spent outside taking a walk through the neighborhood or hike in your local park.   Get out and enjoy the seasonal weather while it lasts.5.  Don't reward your kids with food.  Think about it.  "If you finish everything on your plate, you can have dessert".  It's almost like we're encouraging our kids to overeat!  And 9 times out of 10, they're probably too full to have room for dessert!  Keep serving sizes moderate and don't force kids to finish everying on their plates.  Let them listen to their own hunger cues and avoid feeding kids because they're bored, anxious or upset.  This will set up better relationships with food in the future.