Feed your head!

With the return to school in a matter of weeks, it's time to think about fuel for your brain. We've all heard that kids that eat breakfast score higher in school than those that skip breakfast. But kids (and breakfast) aren't the only items on the agenda for good brain health. Below are foods to eat (and skip) to promote optimal brain power.Bite This: FishRecent studies suggest that older adults that eat fish at least once/week have less brain cell death than those eating less. Scientists believe this is linked with a reduced risk for Alzheimer's disease. Go for fatty fish like salmon or mackerel for an omega-3 fat boost.Not That: Burgers.Yes, I know it’s grilling season, but maybe it's time to put down that beef. Scientists in Australia have found that a traditional Western diet (read meat and potatoes) may cause changes and damage to brain regions that affect cognitive function such as memory and attention.Bite This: Whole grains.Whole grains help maintain focus by providing a steady supply of glucose to the brain due to their fiber content. Opt for oatmeal, brown rice, whole wheat bread and pasta when available.Not That: Chips, white bread, pastries.There's a reason I call doughnuts crispy crime! All that processed sugar and fat reduces blood flow, including blood flow to the brain. Chips, French Fries and other high fat snacks have a similar effect.Bite This: Blueberries.In addition to being downright delicious (and fun to pick), blueberries are loaded with the antioxidant anthocyanin and have been found to help reduce short term memory loss.Not That: CandyWith the exception of peppermint (which has been found to improve mental alertness), it's best to skip the afternoon candy bar if you want to remain sharp. Candy brings blood sugar up, then drops it abruptly, which can impact productivity. Saturated fat in chocolate also slows blood flow, including flow to the brain.Bite This: EggsI am a big egg fan- yolk and all. Eggs are a complete source of protein- meaning they carry all the essential amino acids your brain needs to carry on. The yolk (while high in cholesterol) is also a source of choline-a building block of brain cells.Not that: BaconWe live in a bacon obsessed world. Bacon, bacon, bacon! Like other meats that are high in saturated fat, bacon may hinder blood flow to your noggin.Bite This: TeaGreen tea contains catechins- powerful antioxidants found to reduce cellular damage (including risk for brain tumors).Not That: Energy DrinksMost are loaded with caffeine and can keep you up (for a full 5 hours), then drop you like a hot potato. To stay alert, stay hydrated- water is best. Being dehydrated can leave you sluggish and dull.


Doc got your tongue?


Quinoa Tabouleh