Easy overnight oatmeal

There’s a lot of anti-dairy people out there, but I’ll be honest. I’m not one of them. Unless you’re allergic to milk (rare), vegan or lactose intolerant, there’s no good reason to avoid dairy. In addition to protecting your bones and teeth, calcium from low fat dairy products has been linked with reduction in blood pressure as well as colon cancer. Dark, green leafy vegetables also provide calcium, but you’d have to eat a hell of a lot of broccoli to obtain the same amount. And quite frankly, I can’t say enough good things about yogurt. It’s not just a great source of calcium, vitamin D and protein, but also potassium and pro-biotics- the ‘good’ bacteria that keeps your gut happy and healthy. Keep your gut healthy and the rest will follow.There are multiple iterations of this recipe. I love this one because it has just 3 ingredients; oatmeal, frozen fruit and Greek yogurt. Rolled oats and fruit are excellent sources of soluble fiber- the type that lowers cholesterol and aids with blood sugar control. You don’t need to cook the oats or use instant oatmeal. I used frozen mixed berries, which made my oatmeal a beautiful rosy pink color by morning. Plain, Greek yogurt can be subbed for vanilla, but I like a little flavor and the recipe isn’t that high in sugar. This recipe also provides a nice dose of protein.Ingredients2 cups old fashioned rolled oats2 cups frozen blueberries, raspberries or mixed berries2 cups low fat, vanilla Greek yogurtDirectionsPlace ½ cup oats, berries and yogurt in a large bowl and blend. Repeat the process 4 times and continue to blend the mixture. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight.Makes 4 (1 1/2 cup) servings. Nutrition facts per serving: 282 calories, 2.9 grams fat, 5 mg cholesterol, 53 grams carbohydrate, 5.9 grams fiber 15.4 grams protein, 78 mg sodium.


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