Celebrate National Nutrition Month with me!

I'm a wee bit late to the National Nutrition Month party. But with 31 full days in March, I'll allow myself a little grace. This year's theme is "Celebrate the flavors of the world". Variety is the spice of life! Why not enjoy more flavors every day?The first day of National Nutrition Month happened to coincide with Fat Tuesday. Coincidence indeed!

This year, I opted to get my "last groceries" on March 1, which seems like a good Fat Tuesday thing to do. I've decided to give up shopping for Lent- including both groceries and otherwise. In the spirit of Lent and broadening my flavor horizon, I'll be forced to cook creatively with what I have on hand.

Consider it my individual version of Chopped! As spring is here, I noticed asparagus on sale. This green veggie is a source of vitamin C, vitamin K and inulin- a type of prebiotic fiber that's good for your immune system. You can even eat them raw!I honestly never thought I liked asparagus.

My mom used to cook it until it was khaki and stringy. It was my least favorite vegetable growing up. The good news is that your palate changes as you get older. Things you may have despised as a kid may now taste good to you.

Or, like me- they may have been prepared differently and are worth a second chance.We normally grill, roast or steam asparagus. grilling is great when it's warm out and roasting warms up the house, but also uses gas.

Last year I got an air fryer for Christmas and decided, why not try asparagus in it? The result was great! I no longer have to heat up my stove or go outside in cold temps to grill them.

To change up the flavor a bit, I dusted them with tarragon and a little bit of salt and olive oil. You can make these at home in your air fryer (set at 400 and 'fry' for 8 minutes) or sautee them lightly in olive oil for 3 to 4 minutes on the stove. Enjoy!


Ginger lime coleslaw with apples and peanuts


Super-duper super bowl party dip!