Baked Pears with Pistachios and Cinnamon

I’m a simple gal with simple taste. I also hate to waste food. My husband and I joke that I inherited frugality from my depression-era parents that never threw anything out. Our running joke is a quote from my mother. “It’s still good!”While I had great intentions of eating the Bartlett pears I’d bought, other seasonal fruit (read strawberries that perish within 6 hours of purchase), took precedence. So, I decided to get creative with the almost rotten fruit. I love pears for their sweet, floral taste and grainy texture. They’re also ridiculously high in fiber and decent source of vitamin C, which makes them #nutrigirlapproved! Pistachios add color, taste and texture to the pears and a wee bit of healthy fat and protein. Serve solo or with a scoop of Madisono’s Madagascar vanilla gelato!Ingredients4 pears (any variety), sliced into 4 pieces4 tsp. brown sugar4 tsp. cinnamon¼ cup shelled pistachios, choppedDirectionsPreheat oven to 375.Place pears (skin side down) on a baking sheet.With a knife, score each pear in crisscross fashion twice.Mix brown sugar, cinnamon and pistachios together.Sprinkle ¼ tsp. of cinnamon sugar mixture over each pear.Bake for 25 minutes until pears are soft.Makes 4 servings. Nutrition facts per serving: 162 calories, 2.1 grams fat, 1.6 grams protein, 38.7 grams carbohydrate, 8.1 grams fiber, 0 mg cholesterol, 23 mg sodium


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