A tastier way to manage your blood sugar

Earlier this month, I received a sample box of Splenda Diabetes Care shakes in exchange for my honest review. Like similar nutrition shakes, they come in 3 flavors, including milk chocolate, French vanilla and strawberry banana.

The shakes come in a convenient, easy to open, 8 oz. bottle with the claims "No added sugar" and "Helps manage blood sugar". According to the nutrition facts labs, there is no added sugar and the product is sweetened with sucralose (AKA Splenda). The shakes are gluten and soy-free and 170 calories per 8 oz. bottle.

The combination of a reduced carbohydrate, higher fat, higher protein shake has been found to help those with diabetes manage blood sugar and prevent blood sugar spikes when compared to other nutritional shakes, according to a few published studies.

I was pleasantly surprised by the taste of the vanilla shake. It was smooth and creamy and didn't have that "vitaminy" taste that oral supplements often do. These milk-based shakes each contain 170 calories with 16 grams or protein (twice the amount in a glass of milk) as well as 6 grams of dietary fiber.

The shakes are a good source of calcium and vitamin D, providing 30% and 50% of the Daily Value, respectively.

They are also fortified with vitamin C, B12 and magnesium and contain primarily heart-healthy, mono-unsaturated fat (6 grams per bottle). Each shake contains 15 grams of carbohydrate, roughly the amount you'd get in a 50-calorie slice of whole wheat bread. Beyond the nutritional value, I was really impressed with the taste.

As I mentioned above, it was not saccharine sweet, nor did it have the heavily fortified vitamin taste. It was smooth and not chalky.I'd caution that the shake did make my belly a bit grumbly and gassy, which I attribute to the FOS (fructooligosaccharides (FOS). FOS provides some of the sweetness of the shakes.

The shakes are suitable for those with lactose intolerance due to the microfiltered milk protein utilized. I'd try them before writing them off completely.My husband tried the strawberry-banana and noted it tasted good, but the color was a little too "Peptobismol pink".

My daughters both loved the chocolate shakes, which was no surprise to me!I felt comfortably full after drinking the shake, which is what you're looking for with a quick meal replacement or between meal snack.

I wasn't 'stuffed', but wasn't hungry for anything else for a few hours.Overall, I'd suggest these shakes to clients for their convenience, taste and nutritional profile. You don't have to have diabetes to use them either.

These would be welcome in a weight loss plan given their high protein, low sugar profile.Learn more and find them at http://Splenda.com/Diabetes-shakes #samples #product review #Splenda @SPLENDA #diabetescare


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