5 ways to avoid overeating on Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving happens every year. The biggest food feast of them all! This year will look a lot different given the pandemic. Gone are the days of big family gatherings with multiple types of desserts.

But rest assured, we're all still planning on eating delicious food.If you're trying to diet on Thanksgiving, don't. The pandemic has already put enough stress and strain on our lives. This is a day of celebration, not restriction.

Be mindful about what you're eating, but please don't count calories, macros or carbs.

Here's a secret. You don't HAVE to stuff yourself at Thanksgiving, or any other holiday, for that matter. It's not like you're never going to have pumpkin pie or mashed potatoes and gravy again. Why the need to stuff? It's just silly.

Below are some tips to avoid overeating on Thanksgiving.

  1. Don't skip meals. This will only make you cranky and ravenous by the time dinner rolls around and you'll likely overeat. Eat lighter meals throughout the day to maintain energy and don't starve yourself.

  2. Eat what you like, but in smaller amounts. No one says you have to have a full serving of potatoes or green bean casserole. Take a spoonful or two of what you like and leave room for dessert (if you even want dessert). Not everyone has a sweet tooth.

  3. Speaking of dessert- why not make 1/2 recipes this year? Anything that has an even number of eggs can be easily split in half. With a small crowd, you'll have plenty for everyone.

  4. Go easy on alcohol. Fine to have a cocktail or two, but keep in mind, alcohol increases your appetite, meaning you'll eat more once it's time to join everyone to eat.

  5. Listen to your body. Think about how you'll feel after taking that second helping before you plop it on your plate. Is it worth the heart burn, tight pants or poor sleep due to overeating? Probably not.

Pay attention to hunger cues. Say grace and have grace. God willing, we'll have more holidays and more holiday meals for years to come.


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