5 Reasons to Pick Blueberries!

Anthocyanins. I dare you to say that word 5 times fast. You can certainly impress friends at your next party with anthocyanins. These are plant flavonoids that gives blueberries (and other deep red and purple fruits and veggies like cranberries and cabbage) their beautiful color and health benefits.Thankfully, blueberries are in full bloom and ripe for the pickin', which means they're readily available and affordable. They're one of the most versatile and nutritious fruits on the planet. Here's why.Research suggests that blueberries may lower the risk for Alzheimer's dementia. Studies in older adults indicate improved cognitive function in elderly blueberry consumers versus a control group. Aim for at least 3/4 cup blueberries per day.Blueberries have also been found to reduce risk for heart disease in women in a large Harvard Nurses study. Pre-menopausal women aged 20-34 consuming 3 or more servings of blueberries or strawberries per week were 34% less likely to suffer a heart attack than non-consumers during the study.In addition, blueberry intake has been linked with improvement in insulin sensitivity in pre-diabetic patients. Study participants whom consumed 3 servings of low glycemic index fruit (such as berries or citrus fruit) had improved blood sugar compared to controls. The glycemic index is a measure of how quickly a food containing carbohydrate raises blood sugar.Nutrients in blueberries may also aid in reducing the risk for cancer. Blueberries contain 25% of the daily value for vitamin C as well as a healthy dose of folate and fiber. Enjoy them in cereal, yogurt, or smoothies or just pop them into your mouth solo.Blueberries may also aid in reducing inflammation (or swelling) in the body. This is important to improving symptoms of arthritis as well as reducing risk for chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer. Inflammation does not only mean pain, it means cell damage.So- what are you waiting for? Go get you some blueberries before they're all gone! And get plenty. They freeze well and can be eaten any time of the year. Bonus!


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