Sound Bites Nutrition

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Will work for food

My girls have been off school less than a week and are already in an apathetic mood. Being pre-teens, I get it. They need their space. They’ve just finished school and don’t feel like doing anything but “vegging out”. But as a responsible parent, it’s my obligation to make them functioning members of society. I want them to know the value of teamwork and pulling their own weight. Let them work for food!This morning I made the mistake of offering pancakes for breakfast. My mom would have done the same thing. She was a stay at home mom and that was what she did. She cooked, she cleaned, she took care of us. Yet, my own mom didn’t teach me any cooking skills. My sisters and I joke that she kicked us out of the kitchen. I don’t hold that against her. The kitchen was her domain. But I have to admit, I was pretty helpless until the age of 25 when I dated an older man that loved to cook. Do I want my girls to rely on others for food? Hell no! They are certainly old enough to do their own laundry and cook some simple meals. Or at minimum, put a sandwich together on their own. Or make pancakes.So today I am taking a stand. If they want pancakes, I will teach them how to make them. Laundry? Bring it to the basement and I’ll show you how to sort and wash it. I love my 'not so little anymore' girls. I am not raising princesses. I am raising strong, independent women.