Sound Bites Nutrition

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Holiday Waist Control

Oh boy- the Halloween candy and Thanksgiving bird are barely even gone and we've got Christmas in 2 weeks. And despite what most people think, average holiday weight gain is about one pound per year. Unfortunately, most people never lose that ONE pound, so after 10 years, you've gained 10 lbs!To avoid holiday weight gain, you may just need to change your mindset. Recent research suggests that individuals that believe that diet is more important than exercise (when it comes to weight loss) have lower BMIs than those that believe exercise is more important. And let's face it- it's probably easier to just not eat that second helping of stuffing than try to find the time and energy to burn off the extra 250 calories you've indulged in.Below are a few tips to keep you on track this holiday season:1. Don't skip meals. While it's tempting to skip breakfast or lunch to pig out later, your metabolism will slow down and you'll overeat at your next meal.2. Drink 2 cups of water before meals. Studies show that subjects who drank more water while dieting lost more weight than those that didn't.3. Substitute Greek yogurt for sour cream in your favorite appetizer. You'll get a hearty dose of calcium, protein and B vitamins.4. Munch on fresh veggies or an apple before your next party to stave off hunger before you hit the buffet table.5. Stop before you're full. The party food will be plentiful. There's no need to try every dish that's brought in, and especially the ones you've had a millions times before.6. Move a little more this holiday season. A brisk 15 minute walk after meals improves blood sugar and aids in digestion.7. Don't talk with your mouth full! Spend more time visiting friends and family than hanging out at the dessert table.8. Bring a healthy dish to share. A fruit plate with savory cheese is just as welcome as a plate of brownies.9. Go easy on booze this season. Spare the calories and the hangover the next day. Limiting alcohol also reduces cancer risk.10. Eat slowly. Savor your food instead of rushing through it. You'll enjoy it more and likely eat less.