Sound Bites Nutrition

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Sugar...ah honey honey

Don’t be fooled when shopping for “sugar-free" foods. Foods labeled “without high fructose corn syrup, light, sugar-free, diabetic, low sugar or dietetic" may still contain sugar, but use a different name on the label. These foods may contain other carbohydrates as well, which can increase blood sugar or promote weight gain. Below is a list of other names for sugar you may see listed in the ingredients:Brown sugarCane or beet sugarCarob powderCorn sweetenerCorn syrupDextrinDextroseDextrinFructoseGlucoseHigh fructose corn syrupHoneyInvert sugarLevuloseMaltodextrinMaltoseMaple syrupMolassesPowdered sugarStarch hydrolysateSucanatSyrupWhite sugarIngredients that end in “ose” usually mean some form of sugar (dextrose, maltose, etc). Foods ending in “ol” are sugar alcohols. Sugar alcohols are chemical sweeteners produced from sugar that are poorly absorbed in the body and provide 2 calories/gram versus 4 calories/gram from sugar. These include dulcitol, malitol, mannitol, sorbitol and xylitol. Foods that contain sugar alcohols may also contain calories, but may be lower than those containing sugar. Eat foods containing sugar alcohols in moderation. Excess consumption may cause gastrointestinal distress or diarrhea as these compounds are poorly absorbed. Is that box of sugar free Russel Stovers worth it?Other sugar substitutes do not contain any sugar, but may contain calories from other sources (fat, carbohydrate, protein). Foods containing these sweeteners may raise blood sugar if they are accompanied by other calorie-containing nutrients (carbohydrate, fat and protein). The trade name is in parenthesis. These include:Acesulsame Potassium (Sunnette)Aspartame (Nutrasweet)Isomalt (Diabetisweet)Saccharin (Sweet n Low)Sucralose (Splenda)Stevia (Truvia)Also keep in mind, that even if a product uses artificial sweeteners, it is not exactly nutritious. This is true of sugar free ice cream, sugar free candy, cookies, cakes, pies and other desserts. Be a savvy consumer and always read the Nutrition Facts label as well as the ingredient list before buying your favorite foods.