Sound Bites Nutrition

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Start fresh with frozen foods by Pritikin

Between our sourdough hobby and pandemic banana bread baking, the virus has taken its toll on our waistlines. At the beginning of the pandemic, many of us became more acquainted with our kitchens while juggling Zoom calls.

With 9 months into Covid, many of us are experiencing cooking fatigue. While the jury is out as to how ‘widespread’ weight gain is since the pandemic, health experts estimate anywhere from 3 to 20 pounds gained.

In a survey of over 1,000 WebMD readers, almost 1/4 of male readers and ½ of females complained of weight gain due to COVID. As the rate of the virus rises and cooler temps set in, we need to be prepared for another potential lockdown, which could to lead to more rings around the waistline. 1

The good news is that it’s never too early to consider a diet reset. With 2021 right around the corner, now is a perfect time. If losing weight or eating healthier is on your resolution list, Pritikin Foods may be just what you’re looking for.

I received samples of Pritikin Foods to try in exchange for my honest review. If you’re not familiar with the product, they’ve got quite the reputation and have been around for over 40 years.

Pritikin’s philosophy is to use whole or barely processed foods to encourage a healthy lifestyle. Meals are low-calorie and contain lean protein-rich foods such as fish, beans or soy-based products as well as vegetables and whole grains.

Added sugar, sodium and unhealthy saturated fat is kept at a minimum.In over 100 peer-reviewed studies, research shows that the Pritikin Program, including The Pritikin Eating Plan may help reduce the risk of chronic illnesses such as heart disease.

I sampled the Lemon Cod meal for lunch this week and was pleasantly surprised by the nutritional quality and taste of the product. The fish was flaky and tender with a mild vegetable-based sauce including onions, tomatoes and garlic. The whole grain brown rice was lightly seasoned with a perfect texture.

A serving of bright, steamed broccoli rounded out the meal.Compared to other frozen meals, Pritikin Foods provide only a third of the sodium (210 mg) and are low in sugar, fat and saturated fat. In addition, the fish provided 24 grams of lean protein, which is very satisfying.

If you’re thinking that frozen meals are inferior to homemade, you may change your mind after trying these. A low-fat, high-fiber frozen meal beats a calorie-laden, carry-out meal when you’re concerned with your arteries and waistline. Give them a try.

You’ve got nothing to lose but that Covid spread.New Pritikin Foods customers can get 20% off their first 10 or 24 meal package when they use SOUNDBITES20 at <>

