Sound Bites Nutrition

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Snack sense

On any given day, I either see some one munching on a snack bar or telling me they keep them in their purse (back pack, briefcase) for a quick snack.  What they may not realize is how much fat, sugar, calories and chemicals they may be consuming in these bars.  The high protein type tend to be covered in chocolate, which raises the saturated fat content.  Traditional granola or fruit bars tend to be fairly high sugar and low in fiber, which means you'll want another one in about an hour after the first.Why not try REAL FOOD for a snack instead?  Below are some simple ideas.1. Almonds or mixed nuts.  You can buy 100 calorie packs, or pack your own in snack sized bags.  About a Tbsp and a half is a serving.2. String cheese.  Most people think of this as a kid's snack.  The low fat mozzarella type has a mere 60 calories and 20% of the daily value for calcium.  Lower fat cheddar or smoked mozzarella are additional flavor options.3. Fruit.  Hey people- it's apple season!  At $1/pound for most- you should be eating one every day.  An apple a day has been shown to reduce risk for stroke.  More reason to enjoy them!4. Veggies and hummus.  It will take about 10 minutes to chop up peppers, carrots and cucumbers to toss in your lunch bag.  Jicama, cherry tomatoes and raw asparagus also go well with dip.5. Greek yogurt.  There are plenty of varieties out there under 150 calories.  The beauty of Greek yogurt is it's hefty protein load, which keeps you feeling fuller, longer.6. Turkey/lettuce wrap.  While I'm not a fan of lunch meat, a slice of turkey wrapped in lettuce with a little horseradish mayo is quite tasty!7. A cup of cereal and milk.  Who says cereal is just for breakfast?  Enjoy some wheat Chex or Cheerios at night with some milk.  It may help you sleep.8. Baked chips and salsa.  Salsa is loaded with lycopene- a powerful anti-oxidant that fights prostate and ovarian cancer.  Make your own chips with corn tortillas, salt and some non-stick cooking spray.  Super simple- cut into triangles and bake at 350 for 20 minutes.9. Pumpkin seeds.  Salted or seasoned with cinnamon, pumpkin seeds have been found to boost your mood.10. Dark chocolate. Sometimes you just want a little something sweet.  A square of dark chocolate a day may improve your blood pressure (and certainly uplift your spirits)!