Sound Bites Nutrition

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Of wine and women...

I'm normally working like most of you at 10:00 AM. But on a rare AM visit to the dentist, I happened to catch Hoda and Kathlie Lee's "show". What is apparently known as the 4th hour of the Today show is dedicated to Hoda and Kathlie Lee knocking back wine while gossiping about celebrities and making fun of themselves. Haha- hilarious! Right? No.Was I wrong to be annoyed by this irritainment? I don't think so. I found it offensive. While I'm no teetotaler, I do have a little issue with A. anyone drinking wine or other spirits so early in the morning and B. drinking it daily as if it were normal. Perhaps Hoda and Kathie Lee didn't hear the news that even having 1 drink per day (which incidentally is considered "moderate" for women), ups the chance of breast cancer by 12%. Or that the rate of alcoholism is often hidden in women their age who often rely on "just a little wine" to take the edge off, deal with their husbands, kids and other stressors in life. Yes having some wine with your friends or family is fine in moderation. But at 10 AM? Really? I must be getting old.Experts suggest that the safest (healthiest) time to drink wine is later in the day- at least 2 PM until 10 PM. Alcohol consumption this early in the day zaps your energy, dehydrates you, impairs your judgement and raises your risk for addiction and DUI. Excess alcohol in general is also implicated in several types of cancer and obesity.Come on NBC- aren't these women entertaining enough without the sauce? Perhaps you need a few new hosts.