Sound Bites Nutrition

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New Year, New You!

[digg]Happy New Year to you! Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?  In addition to washing your hands and staying away from sick friends, family and co-workers, what you eat can help you stave off illness (cold and flu) as well as chronic illness (diabetes and heart disease).  Here are some tips to keep you healthier this year.1. Drink more water.  You hear it all the time.  One of the best reasons to drink water is to keep mucous membranes from your nose to your gut, moist.  While this sounds gross, dry membranes attract more bacteria and germs.  Staying hydrated keeps bacteria at bay.  And, staying hydrated keeps your metabolism revved up.  Bonus!2.  Get enough iron in your diet.  Iron is a trace mineral needed for a strong immune system.  Women are more likely to suffer iron deficiency since  we have menstrual cycles and B. because we eat less foods high in iron than men.  Choose iron-fortified cereals or include lean chicken, fish, poultry or pork in your diet.  Split green peas and lentils are also a decent source of iron.3. Boost your vitamin C intake.  Vitamin C also keeps your immunity strong, but don't just think OJ.  Think citrus fruit, bell peppers and tomatoes.  All are great sources of vitamin C and other nutrients like fiber and potassium that keep your body running smoothly.4 Get enough sleep.  Six hours just ain't enough.  Aim for 7-8 hours per night. Your body needs sleep to recharge your brain and rest your bones and muscles.  Poor sleep habits have been linked with depression, weight gain and heart disease. Quit eating at least 3 hours before bed and cut your caffeine off by 2:00 PM to get more ZZZs.  In addition, turn off your I-pad, TV and other electronics.  Try yoga or deep breathing if you're an insomnia.5. Get moving.  Regular physical activity actually increases your killer T cells, an important part of your immune system that fights off disease.  If you have a desk job, get up just 5 minutes each hour and walk. Use some free weights or stretchy bands while watching your favorite show.  Just get off your butt and move more this year!6. Eat yogurt (or kefir or other fermented foods). Yogurt contains probiotics, compounds that keep the good bacteria in your gut thriving.  Since about 60% of your immune system resides in your gut, keep your gut intact with high fiber foods and probiotics.