Sound Bites Nutrition

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Ginger Cinnamon Breakfast Quinoa

I love Saturday mornings. I am usually the first one up, which means I have complete rule of the kitchen. After a few cups of coffee (with a little milk for taste and calcium), I like to raid the pantry and start cooking. I tend to have a lot of quinoa on hand from previous cooking demos. It's a favorite grain for me because of its versatility and strong nutrition profile. Quinoa is higher in protein and fiber than other grains. In addition, it's a decent source of iron- a nutrient that can be deficient, particularly for women and kids. Typically, I have used it for savory dishes with vegetables and beans. Today was different! I made a small batch as a trial, but the recipe can be doubled or tripled to serve more. Below is what transpired.Ingredients:1/2 cup dry quinoa1/2 tsp. cinnamon1 tsp. brown sugar1 tsp. ginger paste1 Tbsp. slivered almondsDirections:Cook quinoa according to directions.While still hot, add cinnamon, ginger paste, brown sugar and slivered almonds. Mix and serve warm.Makes 2 (1/2 cup) servings. Nutrition facts per serving: 184 calories, 4.1 grams fat, 6.7 grams protein, 30.5 grams carbohydrate, 3.8 grams fiber, 0 mg cholesterol, 3 mg sodium.