Sound Bites Nutrition

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Diner food is good for the soul

It's a little known fact that I am a part-time optional dietitian for Tri-health. I picked up this job last summer doing corporate health screenings. It's a great little gig. I choose a shift when it's convenient for me, show up at the office in my gray polo and am whisked away to a school or company to provide health feedback after employees get their glucose, cholesterol and blood pressure checked. It's like speed dating with some nutrition knowledge tossed in (without the sexual tension)! It's a nice job for a person who works solo most days and craves teamwork now and then.Normally, my shifts are 3-5 hours tops. They typically start at the crack of dawn (6 or 7 AM) and end in time for me to have the rest of the day to myself before I get my girls from school.Today was an exception. I hadn't picked up any shifts for a few months because of the holidays, but saw an all day, out of town job and chose it. A group of 5 of us left at 6 AM for a small town in Indiana. We set up our blood sugar and blood pressure screening and saw about 25 employees from 9 to 12.We had a break until the second shift came in and out to lunch we went. Let me tell you- I had the best time with these ladies that I barely know and are half my age. We found a tiny diner that was packed with regulars. The waitress was friendly and gave us suggestions on the best items on the menu. Everything was made fresh and looked delightful. We chatted about random shows we'd seen on Netflix, places we like to shop, where we went to college and funny things that happened to us that week.It was SO refreshing to be out with health-minded people that ordered and ate food that they wanted. No one lamented over counting calories, or carbs or vegetable servings. Most of the girls ordered french fries and all of us ordered ice cream flurries to complete our meals. There was no talk of having to work off the calories later or eat only salad for the next several days.Some of us ate only half our sandwiches. Some left fries on their plates. But everyone enjoyed the ice cream and company of co-workers.I guess my point here is that it's good to live it up now and then and enjoy the company and food presented to us. It's important to be mindful and in the moment and just "go with the flow". I can have salad any day. Small town diners should be patronized whenever possible.