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Bite this, not that for weight loss

It's that time of year again when everyone's making a New Year's resolution to lose weight.  What I find fascinating is how caught up people can become in the latest trend- low carb, smoothies, green tea supplements, you name it.[three_fourth_last  Below are a few ideas of what to eat and what to skip to drop a few of those extra holiday pounds.Bite thisEggs- eggs are known as the incredible, edible egg for a reason.  For a mere 75 calories, you get a hefty dose of quality protein, choline and taurine- nutrients linked with weight management.  Scramble an egg and toss it in the microwave for a minute with some spinach or peppers then fold it up into a square and add it to a 100% English muffin.  Voila- breakfast!Not thatSmoothies- I'm not sure why we're all so crazy over smoothies- but I typically advise them to people trying to gain weight.  If you have teeth and a small intestine, let your body do the digestion!  The act of chewing and digesting food regulates blood sugar and appetite better.  Eat your calories, don't drink them.Bite thisAlmonds- studies show that some of the calories from almonds may not be fully absorbed.  In addition, almonds may help curb your appetite.  Almonds provide 14 grams of fat per 1/4 cup, most of which is mono-unsaturated.Not thatPecans or pine nuts- I bet you didn't know that these 2 nuts are the highest in fat (and calories).  It's no wonder pecan pie is so decadent!  If you must have them, limit to 1 tsp. chopped in salad or other food (i.e. yogurt).Drink thisWater- water wins hands down for weight loss.  Studies show that having 2 (8 oz) glasses of cold water 30 minutes before meals not only curbs appetite, but may also rev your metabolism.  Dehydration can lead to overeating, also.Not thatDiet soda.  While diet soda has no calories, it is not innocuous.  In addition to artificial sweeteners- which may trick your brain into thinking you are getting calories, leading you to eat more, soda of any kind has been linked with larger waistlines and increased risk for heart disease.  On top of that, women that drink soda have more bone loss in their hips than non-drinkers.  Try seltzer water if you want bubbles without additional caffeine, sweetener, artificial colors or phosphoric acid.Bite thisWhole grains.  While it is tempting to quit eating bread, pasta, rice and other grains- think again.  Whole grains like oatmeal, 100% whole wheat bread and quinoa are loaded with appetite-busting fiber as well as antioxidants.  In addition, studies show that individuals that eat high fiber diets have lower rates of mortality.  What matters is the serving size (how much you eat) and how food is seasoned or prepared.  Go easy on butter, margarine and even olive oil when seasoning grains.  All will add additional calories from fat.Not thatBig meat servings- while protein is necessary to maintain lean muscle mass and curb appetite while dieting, larger meat servings will add more calories and fat to your diet while increasing the workload of your kidneys.  Choose lean cuts of meat, fish and poultry (about the size of a Blackberry).  Go for baked, broiled or grilled meats over fried.