Sound Bites Nutrition

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"Back yard" BBQ

You’re invited to another grill out? What a surprise! Well- actually, it may be a surprise given the lousy weather we have had this summer! So, let’s just say the party is inside. You know there will be lots of savory treats to enjoy- maybe too many. How will you control your urge to eat everything?Below are some tips to keep you from blowing your dietary budget this BBQ season.1. Bring a healthy dish. Healthy need no be boring. Try a veggie plate with raw asparagus, jicama or snap peas in place of the usual baby carrots and celery. Substitute Greek yogurt for sour cream in the spinach dip you normally bring.2. Skip the chips, cheese and nuts. You already know what these taste like, so why fill up on them when there may be so many more interesting dishes to experience. You can have cheddar cheese cubes or peanuts any time.3. Drink more water. In a review of studies on water intake and weight loss, female water drinkers who drank 2 cups before meals lost about 4 pounds more than non-water drinkers. Water consumption is also linked with reduced risk for kidney stones and possibly diabetes.4. Don’t talk with your mouth full. Find a friend you haven’t seen in a while and move away from the party table. It’s rude to talk with food in your mouth, so keep it empty for a while and enjoy catching up.5. Substitute, don’t sacrifice. Many favorite dishes can be altered to be lower in calories and fat, but still delicious. Use light mayonnaise in your potato salad and light shredded cheese on your taco dip. Try olive oil on your corn on the cob in place of butter. Why not?6. Turn up the tunes and dance. Dancing is a fun way to shed a few extra calories at your next event. You’ll be the life of the party!7. Limit liquor. OK- so maybe you need a few cocktails to get you dancing. Allow yourself a glass or two of wine, then switch to water after. Who likes a hangover?8. Share a dessert with friends. If you absolutely cannot resist that cheesecake, split a slice among 3 or 4 friends. Chances are, they didn’t want the whole piece either.9. Fill up on veggies. Eating vegetables helps curb your appetite because of their high fiber and water content. Make half your plate veggies and eat them first. Try grilled vegetables for something different.10. Leave the leftovers. It’s tempting to take a slice of pie or container of pasta salad home after the party. Let the host deal with the leftovers (and extra calories).