Sound Bites Nutrition

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Eat, sleep and be healthy

OK people- holiday's up! And while we're all feeling more stuffed than that turkey last Thursday, our focus needn't be on "weight loss" right now. Let's put our energy into not getting a cold or flu this season! Below are some simple tips:1. Drink more water. Why? Staying hydrated means your mucous membranes throughout your body stay moist and can fight bacteria better. Aim for at least 2 liters (8 cups) per day.2. Get movin'. Exercise increases your T-cell production and boosts immunity! Shoot for 30 minutes at least 5 days a week. Take a walk, jog in place in your living room, uses stretchy bands while you watch TV.3. SLEEP. It's tempting to stay up just 15 minutes later to read the news or FB updates. Turn out the light and get your ZZZs. Inadequate sleep weakens your immune system, raises cortisol levels and has been linked with higher rates of obesity, diabetes and heart disease. Aim for at least 7-8 hours daily.4. Include pre-biotics in your diet. We've all heard of pro-biotics (found in yogurt and other fermented foods) that keep our gut bacteria healthy. Pre-biotics are food for pro-biotics. Include more onions, beans, asparagus, artichokes and oatmeal in your diet.5. Eat foods high in vitamin C. Don't just pop a tablet. By eating an orange, you not only get vitamin C, you also consume fiber, potassium, fluid and more than 60 phytochemicals that help prevent chronic disease.6. Choose more leafy greens. I'm a fan of leafy greens not only because of nutrient density (low calories/high nutrient value), but also because research suggests leafy greens are great for lung health. In this season of colds and bronchitis, eat more spinach, kale, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and collard greens.7. Take time to relax. Lay on the floor for 5 minutes with soft music. Take a brief walk and breathe in the seasonal air. Sit and stare. Be mindful of what's going on around you and stop worrying about "what's next"? Being relaxed reduces cortisol levels, which may help prevent chronic illness. JUST DO IT.